Bomar crystal is a manufacturer of Quartz Crystals: Quartz crystals are available at standard microprocessor frequencies or custom frequencies, with tight stabilities, in metal or ceramic holders and are available in through hole or surface mount packages. Clock oscillators: Clock oscillators are offered with standard and tight stability specifications, in through hole or surface mount configurations. They are also available in metal, plastic or ceramic packages. Custom oscillators: Custom oscillators include TCXO’s (temperature controlled crystal oscillators), VCXO’s ( voltage controlled crystal oscillator) and OCXO’s (oven controlled crystal oscillator) designed to customers' specifications to meet a wide spectrum of electrical and environmental requirements. Monolithic crystal filters: Monolithic crystal filters are available in through hole packages for a wide range of applications. Oscillators include: Ceramic surface mount VCO (voltage controlled crystal oscillator), TCXO (temperature controlled crystal oscialltor), ceramic surface mount Oscillators, TTL clock oscillators (Full & Half Size), HCMOS crystal clock oscillators (Full & Half Size), Dual compatible HCMOS/TTL oscillators (Full & Half Size), Plastic surface mount oscillator and OCXO (oven controlled crystal oscillator). Bomar Crystals and Oscillators are in stock now at Dove Electronic Components, Inc..