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Founded in 1976, TAITIEN is a leading Quartz Frequency Control Product (FCP) solutions provider that manufactures crystals, oscillators, VCXO, TCXO, and OCXO products. Additionally, TAITIEN is the only manufacturer in Taiwan that provides the technique of Inverted Mesa (Qmesa) quartz resonator, OCXO, and QCM sensor. With manufacturing sites in the United States, Taiwan, and China, TAITIEN serves as a one stop shop for FCP requirements. Our Operations and Sales teams in Asia, the United States, and Europe support customers in various industries: Networking, Telecommunications, AMR/AMI, Automotive and Consumer Electronics TAITIEN focuses on innovation by continually investing in research and development. Over the years, TAITIEN has patented numerous quartz-manufacturing technologies. Today, TAITIEN Electronics is a leader in quartz industry, continuing to develop new technologies to meet the demands of our ever changing marketplace.

Featured: NA-10M-6800

Data Sheet NA-10M-6800 series is a 10.000 MHz high performance (VC) OCXO with low phase noise. It has excellent temperature versus frequency stability with many available options. The part is housed in a hermetically sealed RoHS package which protects it from extreme changes in external humidity and pressure.

View All NA-10M-6800 Devices

Featured: NI-10M-3400

Data Sheet NI-10M-3400 Series oscillators are designed for applications where exceptional frequency stability and timing is required. The NI-10M-3400 units have both excellent temperature performance and short term stability. These characteristics make the NI-10M-3400 Series an excellent choice for timing applications requiring holdover of < 10 uS for 24 hours.

View All NI-10M-3400 Devices

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